Steel processing machinery reached the international advanced level
Steel processing machinery reached the international advanced level
Release time:2016-12-23 Browse times: 166
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The development of China's capital construction needs of the construction industry has been listed as one of the four pillars of national economic development, "15" during the investment focus is still infrastructure construction and housing industry, large-scale infrastructure for the steel processing mechanized Broad market. Building structure and the development of new technology needs of China's reform and opening up since the housing industry, energy and transportation infrastructure construction continues to develop, reinforced concrete structure of the span and scale continue to expand, the building, the use of structures to improve the earthquake, energy, Materials, processing requirements and the increasing difficulty of construction, the traditional construction methods and on-site manual operation has not meet the requirements of the project, only the development of steel processing machinery to meet the building structure and the development of new technology needs.



Improve the quality of the project and reduce the cost of engineering needs Reinforcement processing mechanization is based on the specialization of steel processing, the introduction of market competition mechanism, through the survival of the fittest to promote the development of steel processing enterprises, Shandong Feihong mechanical reinforcement processing by the advanced technology by professional equipment, The construction site is mainly for the installation of operations, simplifying the operation, reduce waste, shorten the construction period, reduce costs, while easy to quality inspection, so that cut corners incapacitated, and thus easy to guarantee quality. Saving resources and protecting the environment The traditional construction methods for the field processing, manual operation, the scene stacking a large number of building materials, on-site processing of noise, dust not only disturb and pollute the environment, the use of steel processing machinery can save resources and protect the environment. Construction enterprises operating system reform needs For a long time, China's construction by the sea tactics, manual operation, low production efficiency, the current China is undertaking enterprise reform, the establishment of the socialist market economy to adapt to the operating system, change large and small, small All the mode, to change the backward construction of the face, the implementation of specialization, large-scale operation, construction enterprises from labor-intensive to efficient change, the development of steel processing machinery in line with the needs of construction enterprises reform. At present, the proportion of overseas construction companies in China's construction market is 2%. After China's accession to the WTO, China's construction market will continue to be open to a certain extent, and overseas construction contractors and steel processing enterprises will be more To enter the Chinese market, which will promote the technological progress of the construction industry, but on the other hand will impact China's steel processing enterprises and steel processing machinery manufacturing enterprises, and thus the development of steel processing machinery will meet the market demand, driven domestic construction enterprises and steel Processing machinery manufacturing enterprises of technological progress, is conducive to participate in international competition. Therefore, the steel processing machinery as a late start in China's industry, its market prospects are still very broad, and a larger space for expansion.

Shandong Feixong production of automatic steel processing equipment has been successfully applied in many large enterprises, and exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, Africa and other countries and regions, produced a Significant economic and social benefits. Shandong Feihong has a professional R & D, production and service team, with customers around the world to provide comprehensive technical support, technical advice comprehensive ability. The future, Shandong Feihong will continue to work hard to the world first-class courageously forward!

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