Intelligent manufacturing has become a development trend of China construction machinery "transfer"
Intelligent manufacturing has become a development trend of China construction machinery "transfer"
Release time:2016-12-23 Browse times: 96
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With the release of industrial restructuring and upgrading of demand, rising productivity costs and other issues highlighted, coupled with scientific and technological progress after the industrial robot cost close to the inflection point, increasing acceptance, industrial robots in many areas have faintly formed alternative labor trends, Construction machinery industry this trend may also apply, intelligent engineering machinery industry has become the main trend and direction of development, and the level of intelligence on the development of China's construction machinery has a crucial role. The construction machinery in the face of market economy, to participate in global competition, advanced manufacturing technology and high-end products has become the core competitiveness of enterprises.


Enterprise winning market is bound to be inseparable from the intelligent manufacturing


Today, Yuchai Foundry Center has developed into Yuchai automation, one of the highest level of intelligent manufacturing, production products covering micro, light, medium and heavy engines, from vermicular graphite to other metal materials are involved. After the completion of the casting center, casting has become Yuchai to promote foreign cooperation, accelerate the development of new products an important promoter.


This two years, Yuchai developed China's first domestic level of the engine, this engine structure, sophisticated components. As well as Yuchai to the market to launch the current domestic displacement and power of the largest electronic control unit pump high-speed marine diesel engine YC8CL, which are relying on Yuchai own casting and other manufacturing level of the overall upgrade.


Yuchai acceptance of the "600,000 units / year heavy engine cylinder head digital casting workshop" project involved in the cylinder head casting is of great significance. This system to promote the casting automation, intelligent, clean, is conducive to promoting the casting industry, energy saving and sustainable development, to solve the problem of casting their own pollution. Cylinder head is China's automobile, ship, power equipment and other key components of industrial engines, bringing together the common problems of complex casting production, cylinder manufacturing level represents the casting industry's technical level, is a measure of a country's level of one of the important indicators of casting.


With Yuchai in 2015 to undertake another country to promote the construction of intelligent demonstration projects, Yuchai in the field of casting will be further, so as to enhance the level of enterprise manufacturing, to create more value for customers.


Construction machinery and unmanned aerial vehicles to create a new market opportunities


April 25 - 27, the 8th Shanghai International Solid Waste, Clean Special Equipment and Technology Exhibition and 2016 Shanghai Garden Machinery and Equipment Exhibition was held in Shanghai Exhibition Center. The exhibition attracted a large number of relevant professional areas of outstanding exhibitors, Hill pushed the first domestic unmanned DE17R sanitation bulldozer landing this exhibition, by the relevant government departments and industry people's strong concern.


DE17R created a domestic bulldozer unmanned era of precedent, wireless remote control reliable distance of 1000 meters, remote control response speed is very fast and stable, is the mountain for customers to customize the development of sanitation products. In the course of many years of cooperation, the mountain pushed to understand the needs of customers after the UAV, especially in the harsh environment of waste disposal of the urgent requirements of intelligent sanitation equipment, they began to lift the company's power into the intelligent bulldozer Of the R & D test, the final success of the customer's high recognition. DE17R bulldozer in addition to a variety of harsh waste disposal environment, but also in the construction demolition, rescue, explosion-proof, rescue and even military and other high-risk operations in the capability.


Hill-driven DE17R unmanned bulldozer using electric control static drive drive system, automatically adapt to load changes in different workloads to provide the best working speed; intelligent matching technology, driving integrated fuel consumption than similar models reduced by 10% to 15 %, With remote control operation, safety, environmental protection, high efficiency, good performance and so on. In recent years, Hill pushed attention to product development and product quality, and actively promote the product of intelligent manufacturing, this product is a typical. The future, the mountain push will continue to blaze new trails, focusing on the focus, precision force, firmly grasp the initiative in the market, research and development more scientific and technological quality, and ultimately for users and the community to create more updated value.


 Robot to help China's intelligent construction machinery manufacturing


Looking at the world, the "digital intelligent manufacturing" as the core of the third wave of industrial revolution has come, and the protagonist of this revolution is the industrial robot. In the context of the weakening of China's population dividend, China's industrialization to create new competitiveness must be changed, the application of the production line robot will be more and more. Some experts predict that Chinese industrial robots within a few years or will usher in the development of blowout, rather than a simple linear growth.


In the process of transformation of new industries and traditional industries, robots play a "catalyst" role. In the construction machinery industry, robots are often in the production line for spot welding, arc welding, painting, assembly and other work, not only to ensure product quality stability, improve labor productivity, but also to improve the working conditions of workers and labor intensity. In recent years, China's construction machinery industry ushered in the rapid development of the urgent need to upgrade the transition, enterprises in order to compete in the fierce competition to grab a greater market share, get rid of the homogenization of the product competition, we must strengthen the production line automation level, Or missing


In addition, the performance and price of engineering machinery products depends largely on these parts, such as transmission parts, control components, diesel engines and key hydraulic parts and other high-tech, high value-added core components, and in China these projects Mechanical core accessories mainly rely on imports, this situation has seriously hampered the further development of China's construction machinery enterprises. Because the control of the core parts of foreign companies usually take the way hunger sales, each year only a certain number of parts of the production of products, so as to achieve the purpose of ensuring price control.


In addition, the performance and price of engineering machinery products under dom of these parts, such as transmission parts, control components, diesel engines and key hydraulic parts and other high-tech, high value-added core components, and in China these projects Mechanical Core of main use on imports, this situation has seriously hampered the further development of China's construction machinery enterprises. Because the control of the core parts of foreign company usually take the way hunger sales, each year only a certain number of parts of the production of Products, so as to achieve the purpose of guarantee price control.


In 2016, the uncertainties affecting the economic operation of the industry still existed, and the machinery industry would continue to undergo a severe test. But with the national macro-control policies gradually in place, the macroeconomic situation gradually improved, the downward trend in the machinery industry will gradually stabilize, coupled with the positive factors of industry development is also constantly accumulating, part of the structural adjustment started earlier enterprises, industries and regions Will pick up.


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